To make tonight, since on December 21 from time immemorial has been celebrated in all cultures of the world the winter solstice. Later Christianity derived it in Christmas, and many elements such as the tree and the 5-pointed star were already used in these pagan celebrations.
As I say, this is a good night to open the door to magic and hope and be able to fulfill our wishes.
-5 peeled garlic cloves.
– a glass of water
– a white candle
– A sheet of paper
– a wooden pencil
After midnight we write on the paper five wishes, numbering them from 1 to 5. Then we write on each of the cloves of garlic a number also from 1 to 5. We light the candle and place it next to a glass of water , on a table near an open window or similar. Under the candle we put the paper with the wishes, which we will fold, and we will also put the garlic around the glass, leaving everything until the candle is consumed. We will concentrate and say these words:
“May the energy of the universe focus on my desires while this candle is consumed, so that they may be fulfilled”
We will wash that night or the next day with water from the glass, saying:
“May this water blessed by the universe free me from bad energy, so that my wishes are fulfilled.
We wrap the garlic and paper in a piece of white cloth and keep it hidden in a dark place where no one can touch it. As the garlic goes rotting our wishes will be fulfilled.
Do not forget that the most important thing in a ritual is “give it a mind” or conjure it up. You can turn to me if you want my professional services.