In my years of dedication, of course I have dealt with many people, listening to the history of each one of them and trying to help them in what is in my hands. It is very common, though strange, for people to act as if trying to self-destruct unconsciously. And I say unconsciously because they apparently do not want to suffer, but it is as if something on the inside manipulates and controls them to take them that way, sticking to people who do not suit them and mistreat them in one way or another, and damaging those who They love to drive them out of their way, as if they do not accept anything good in their lives.
As I have written in other post, I believe that our mind, besides being an infinite source of energy and a potent tool, can also be our greatest enemy and take control of our lives, making us act by impulses or spontaneous reactions that in no way benefit. But what does it make to our mind to give us those evil orders that do not suit us? It is simply the lack of self-esteem, which creates this dependence on suffering because they unconsciously believe that they deserve it.
He is like a gambler who no matter how much he sees that he is left alone and ruined he continues to play because he believes he can not avoid it, even though his destruction is evident.
I as a psychic, I can advise according to what I see using the reading of letters, candles or another technique, but on many occasions my clients already know what I say, but they do not want to accept it. As much as I see in the tarot for example, what a destructive pair can be in the present or in the future, and tell the client, usually he nods, and usually does nothing after. It is as if he only sought in his consultation a confirmation of what he knows of leftovers, and is unable to separate from his life.
Again my advice is to meditate on the problem and the people nearby. Finding the motive, which as I say is often lack of self-esteem, and being strong to change bad emotional habits, which in the end is the hardest and hardest.
I as a clairvoyant I can orientate you, facilitate the way and protect you, but the definitive step you will give, and only if you want it from the heart.